Curriculum Vitae




Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
PhD in Social/Personality and Health Psychology Expected 2025
Advisor: Vicki Helgeson, PhD

Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in PsychologySeptember 2019
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
Bachelor of Arts, cum laude May 2015
Major in Anthropology; Minor in Religion

Research Interests


Adjustment to diabetes, diabetes outcomes, digital health, psychosocial predictors of disease outcomes, stress, positive affect, close relationships, interpersonal coping

Awards and Honors


National Research Service Award (NRSA/F31), Time-Varying Psychosocial Predictors of Blood Glucose Among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes. NIH NIDDK, 2024

Herbert Simon Graduate Student Teaching Award, CMU Psychology Department, 2024 ‡

Dexcom Investigator Initiated Research Sponsorship, 2023

American Psychological Foundation COGDOP Scholarship, 2023

Roberta Klatzky Graduate Student Publication Award, CMU Psychology Department, 2023 †

Dick Hayes Graduate Student Service Award, CMU Psychology Department, 2023



Helgeson, V.S., Horner, F. S., Reis, H., Niezink, N. M. D., Libman, I. (In press) Peer interactions and health among youth with diabetes: An ecological momentary assessment. Health Psychology.

Helgeson, V. S., Horner, F. S., Reis, H, Niezink, N. M. D., Libman, I. (2023) Support and conflict among youth with type 1 diabetes: A focus on friends. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 48(11), 940-951.

Noriega Esquives, B. S., Walsh, E. A., Penedo, F. J., Thomas, J. L., Horner, F. S., Torzewski, J. B., Gradishar, W. J., Victorson, D. E. & Moreno, P. I. (2023) Coping strategies and psychosocial resources among women living with metastatic breast cancer: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology.

Horner, F.S., Helgeson, V. (2023). Effects of positive affect and stress on HbA1c: A prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 46, 849-859.

Moreno, P. I., Noriega Esquives, B., Thomas, J. L., Horner, F.S., Torzewski, J. B., Gradishar, W., Victorson, D., & Penedo, F. J. (2023). Characterizing unique supportive care needs among women living with metastatic breast cancer: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 5(1), 1-10.

Horner, F.S., & Helgeson, V. S. (2022). Actor and partner effects of positive affect on communal coping. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(12), 3799-3820.

Helgeson, V., Naqvi, J.B., Zajdel, M., Horner, F.S. 2022. Communal coping manifested in daily life: A focus on gender. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(4), 1023–1042.

Helgeson, V., Horner, F.S., Naqvi, J. 2021. Partner involvement in type 2 diabetes self-management: A mixed methods investigation. Diabetes Spectrum, 35(1), 102–110.

Moreno, P. I., Horner, F.S., Burg, J. S., Gradishar, W., Thomas, J. L., Victorson, D., & Penedo, F. J. (2022). Study design and protocol for an online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention tailored for women living with metastatic breast cancer. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 25, 100870.

Manuscripts in progress

Horner, F.S., Helgeson, V.S.. (under review) Psychosocial predictors of short-term blood glucose among people with diabetes: A narrative review.

Helgeson, V. S., Naqvi, J., Horner, F.S., (invited chapter) Social Support in Close Relationships. In A. Vangelisti, D. Perlman, & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. Cambridge University Press.

Helgeson, V. S., Horner, F.S., (in preparation) Communal coping with type 2 diabetes: A five-year measurement burst study.

Horner, F.S., Helgeson, V.S. (in preparation) Real-time links of psychosocial factors to blood glucose in youth with type 1 diabetes.



Horner, F.S., Helgeson, V. S., Brownlee, H., Soriano, E., Lenhard, J., Fenech, A., Morreale, M., Siegel, S., Bolger, N., Laurenceau, J-P., Robbins, M., Caughlin, J., Ruppel, E., McEwan, B., & High, A. (2024, July) Technology: Methodological and Theoretical Implications for Relationship Science. [Accepted symposium.] International Association of Relationship Research. Boston, MA.

Horner, F.S, Helgeson, V. S., Reis, H. T., Niezink, N. M. D., & Libman, I. (2024, March) Peer Interactions and Health Among Youth with Diabetes: An Ecological Momentary Assessment. [Poster Presentation.] Society of Behavioral Medicine 2023 Annual Meeting. Philedelphia, PA.

Horner, F.S., & Helgeson, V. (2023, April) Time-Varying Psychosocial Predictors of Blood Glucose Among Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A DSEM Approach. [Live research spotlight.] Society of Behavioral Medicine 2023 Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.

Horner, F.S., & Helgeson, V. (2022, April) Positive Affect Prospectively Predicts HbA1c Among People with Type 2 Diabetes. [Poster presentation]. Society of Behavioral Medicine 2022 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

Horner, F.S., Helgeson, V. (2021, April) Affective Links to Communal Coping in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. [Rapid Communication Video]. Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions. Virtual Conference.

Horner, F.S., Moreno, P. I., Yanez, B., Penedo, F., Moskowitz, J., Kircher, S., Kundu, S., Meeks, J., Schaeffer, E., Flury, S., Friedewald, S., & Cheung, E.(2020, April; Conference Cancelled) Provision of Support Between Patients and Their Partners: Differential Associations. [Poster presentation]. Midwestern Psychological Association 2020 Conference. Chicago, IL.

Horner, F.S., Moreno, P. I., Yanez, B., Penedo, F., Moskowitz, J., Kircher, S., Kundu, S., Meeks, J., Schaeffer, E., Flury, S., Friedewald, S., & Cheung, E. (2019, October). The Association of Meaning and Purpose with Relationship Quality, Gratitude, and Empathy in Couples Undergoing a Diagnostic Biopsy for Cancer. [Poster presentation]. Northwestern Medical Social Sciences Decennial Symposium and Celebration. Chicago, IL.

Horner, F.S., Moreno, P. I., Yanez, B., Penedo, F., Moskowitz, J., Kircher, S., Kundu, S., Meeks, J., Schaeffer, E., Flury, S., Friedewald, S., & Cheung, E. (2019, June). The Association of Meaning and Purpose with Relationship Quality, Gratitude, and Empathy in Couples Undergoing a Diagnostic Biopsy for Cancer. [Poster presentation]. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Symposium & Scientific Poster Session. Chicago, IL.

Teaching Experience


Teaching Assistant Spring 2024
Introductory Statistics: Experimental Design for Behavioral and Social Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University Psychology Department
Instructor: Dr. Michael Trujillo

Teaching Assistant Spring 2023
Data Science for Psychology and Neuroscience
Carnegie Mellon University Psychology Department
Instructor: Dr. Timothy Verstynen

Teaching Assistant Spring 2022
Introductory statistics: Experimental Design for Behavioral and Social Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University Psychology Department
Instructor: Dr. Dan Yurovsky

Teaching Assistant Fall 2019
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Northwestern School of Professional Studies
Instructor: Dr. Benjamin Gorvine

Teaching Assistant Winter 2020
Research Methods in Psychology
Northwestern School of Professional Studies
Instructor: Dr. Benjamin Gorvine

Methodological and Statistical Expertise


Intensive longitudinal methods, structural equation modeling, causal inference, hierarchical linear modeling, dyadic data analysis, data science, machine learning, etc.

Service and Leadership


Community for Advanced Methodological Learning (CAMeL) 2021 - present
Carnegie Mellon University & University of Pittsburgh

GrAdvocate 2022 - present
Carnegie Mellon Psychology

Mentor, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research2021
Carnegie Mellon Psychology

Undergraduate Mentor 2021
Carnegie Mellon Department of Psychology

Youth Mental Health First Aid Certified 2019
Children’s Research Triangle

Colorado College Student Anthropological Society 2012 – 2015
Colorado College

Order of Omega Greek Honor Society 2013 – 2015
Colorado College

Blue Key Honor Society 2013 – 2015
Colorado College



R, Python, GitHub, LIWC, Noldus Viso and Observer Systems, DeDoose, NVivo, BIOPAC MP160 Systems (ECG and NICO modules), Acqknowledge Software, Mindware Technologies LTD software (HRV and IMP)